Jean Conley (MacCallum)
Thursday June 21, 2012 from 2-4 & 7-9 PM.
MacKenzie & McCreath Funeral Home, Lucknow, ON

Greenhill Cemetery, Lucknow, ON
In Memory of
Jean Conley (MacCallum)
January 13th, 1917 - June 19th, 2012

Place of Death

Wingham & District Hospital


Jean Conley (MacCallum) beloved wife of the late Ivan Conley of Lucknow, passed away at Wingham Hospital on Tuesday June 19, 2012 in her 96th year. She was born in Kinloss Township on January 13, 1917 to the late Elizabeth (McIntosh) and Neil MacCallum. Dear Mother of Betty (Willard) Siegner of Carrick Township, Joe-Anne (Pat) Strauss of Formosa and Roydon Conley of Elliott Lake. Also greatly missed by 13 grandchildren, 27 great and 7 great great grandchildren. She is survived by sister Nellie Johnston of Lucknow, sister-in-law Agnes (Ron) McLelland of Saskatchewan and brother-in-law Len Conley of St. Marys. Predeceased by sister Donalda Moffat and great grandson Brenden. Visitation will be held at MacKenzie & McCreath Funeral Home, Lucknow on Thursday June 21, 2012 from 2-4 & 7-9 PM. A Funeral Service from the chapel will be conducted on Friday June 22, 2012 at 1:30 PM.


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  Lucknow United Church

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Message from Michailzjg2024-06-01 09:41:33
Здравствуйте дамы и господа! Вопрос об изготовление ритуальных памятников, не терпит спешки. В основном надгробия устанавливаются через год после похорон. По христианским обычаям, изначально, ставят железный или деревянный крест. Существует старое поверие, что усопшие на том свете, носят крест на себе, пока очищается душа. И ноша памятника для них сложна и тяжела. Поэтому и не стоит сразу спешить с этим моментом.Ближе к годовщине стоит подумать и заказать памятник. Существует несколько видов надгробий. Наиболее распространенные тип – стела. Она ставится на могилах различных религий и вероисповеданий, где предусматривается погребение в землю. Также зачастую устанавливают плиты и кресты. По сути все зависит от вашего выбора, завещания усопшего, финансовой возможности, а также традиций, которые существуют в роду. Когда вы в плотную подойдете к вопросу заказать памятник в Калининграде, обращайтесь к нам. Наша фирма занимается свыше 10 лет ритуальными услугами в городе Калиниграде.Вот что мы можем предложить вам:
Message from Bev Visser 2012-06-26 10:25:12
My deepest Sympathy jeanne was a very special person too me we work together at pine crest many moons again
Message from Diane Wall2012-06-23 14:24:33
Shady (the therapy dog) and I visited Jean on Saturdays. She always had a smile for me and loving pats for Shady. I will miss her laugh and interesting conversations. I am sorry for your loss.
Message from Jean Conley2012-06-23 13:16:48
WE are so sorry to hear of the loss of your mom. She was a great lady. We will miss her banjo playing and her cheerful outlook on life. I worked with her at the nursing home in Lucknow and when I play the piano she would be hopping and skipping down the halls. She will be darly missed. Leonard and Wilma Clarke
Message from Hymie & Linda Schnurr & Family2012-06-21 20:18:12
Betty & Willard, Joanne & Pat, Roydon & your Families Please accept our deepest sympathy on the lost of your Mom, a mother-in-law, and a grandmother. Our thoughts are with you. Hymie, Linda and Family
Message from Agnes (Conley), Ron McLelland and family2012-06-20 21:29:45
We regret we are unable to attend the funeral. We offer our deepest sympathies to Betty, Joe-Anne, Roydon and their families.
Message from Kaitlin Wright2012-06-20 12:51:32
I will miss you dearly Grandma.I will always keep you in my heart and i know you will always be there watching over me.I will always be thinking of you. Love your great grand-daughter Kaitlin
Message from Robert & Janice Polfuss2012-06-20 11:46:07
Deepest Sympathy to Everyone in Your Family Betty ~ Sincerely Robert & Janice Polfuss
Message from Rob & Donna Middelkamp ( Johnston)2012-06-20 10:18:12
Our Deepest Sympathy to you Aunt Neil on the passing of your sister Jean .We know you will miss her greatly . We will keep you in are prayers Aunt Neil and we also send you a great big hug . You take care Aunt Neil and will be thinking about you . Love Donna & Rob